The Dark Side of Dining Out

  • The Dark Side of Dining Out: The article exposes the shady practices of some waiters and bartenders who cheat customers out of their money by using various tricks and scams.
  • The Authors’ Experience: The authors, John Collins and Nigel Pickhardt, are former waiters who have written a book called “How to Burn Down the House” to reveal the secrets of the restaurant industry and warn diners and owners about the dangers.
  • The Waiters’ Tricks: The article gives some examples of the techniques that dishonest waiters use to rip off customers, such as “putting them on ice”, “padding the bill”, “the double drop”, and “the short pour”.
  • The Advice for Diners: The article advises diners to be vigilant and careful when eating out, to check their bills and receipts, to pay attention to their drinks and food, and to report any suspicious behavior to the management or authorities.
