
Is it just a Tip?

one dollar bill

Are you tired of being asked to tip everywhere you go? Do you feel guilty when you decline to leave a gratuity on the tablet screen? Do you wonder why businesses don’t just pay their workers more instead of relying…

A History of Tipping: How did we get here?

Man handing money over

The history of tipping is a complex and controversial topic. According to some sources, tipping originated in feudal Europe, when aristocrats would give extra money to their servants for performing well. However, tipping was not widely practiced in the United…

How to Tip Like a Pro: A Guide

Compass Tip Guide Featured Image

Tipping can be tricky and confusing. How much should you tip your waiter, your hairdresser, or your delivery person? What if the service was bad or exceptional? How do you tip when you pay with a credit card or an…

The Dos and Don’ts of Food Delivery Tipping

Ordering food delivery has become increasingly popular, especially in fast-paced modern life. However, it’s crucial to remember that tipping the delivery driver is an essential part of the process. This post is dedicated to providing you with the dos and…

Restaurant Tipping: A Guide for Diners

When you’re dining out at a restaurant, tipping is an essential aspect of the overall experience. But how should you navigate the often-confusing world of restaurant tipping? This comprehensive guide is here to help. We’ll discuss the importance of tipping…

The Art of Hotel Tipping: A Guest’s Guide

When you stay at a hotel, tipping can make a difference in the quality of service you receive, but it can also be a source of confusion. This guest’s guide to hotel tipping aims to demystify this practice. From housekeeping…